Fixxer Cookie Charter (“Cookie Charter”)

Fixxer NV/SA

Karel Rogierplein 11

1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Node


  1. Cookie Charter

This Cookie Charter explains what cookies are and how they are used (hereafter the ‘Cookie Charter’). It is addressed to the public accessing the Website (hereunder ‘the Visitor’ or ‘you’).

Fixxer advises the Visitor to read both the Privacy Charter and the Cookie Charter as both are important for the protection of personal data.


  1. General

This Cookie Charter applies to the website operated by Fixxer and notably  (hereunder the ‘Website’). Fixxer NV/SA (‘Fixxer’ or ‘we’), naamloze vennootschap, société anonyme, having its registered office at Karel Rogierplein 11, 1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Node, Belgium and registered in the register of legal entities of Brussels with company registration number 0794.919.156 and VAT number BE0794.919.156.

As you first access our Website a Cookie Banner appears requesting that you accept the use of our cookies. It also provides access to our Cookie Charter.

By accessing the Website you accept the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this Cookie Charter. We process the data obtained from cookies in line with our Privacy Charter. Should the Visitor choose not to consent to our Cookie and Privacy Policies, they are kindly requested to leave the Website.

We reserve the right to amend both our Cookie and Privacy Charters. The Visitor is asked to regularly consult these Charters to stay informed.

If you have any questions about how we collect, store and use your personal information, please read our Privacy Charter. If you have any questions about how we use cookies, please contact us by any of the following means:

Privacy email: [email protected]

General Questions: [email protected]


  1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that the Website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the Website. It enables the Website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the Website or browse from one page to another.

Cookies helps Fixxer to optimize a visit to the Website by performing a number of useful tasks, such as improving the security of the Website and the overall user experience. For instance, the Website can remember the pages you visited and your preferences (such as language) so you are not required to fill these in each time you visit the Website. Other cookies allow an analysis of certain information, such as the number of visits to a Website. Some other cookies are used for marketing purposes.

Cookies are used to optimize your browsing experience by allowing us to recognize you every time you visit the Website and to recall personalized settings. Furthermore, we collect data on how the Website is accessed to improve their overall performance in terms of speed and functionality/ease of use.

They do not operate independently from the Website or, in any manner, access data from your computer or mobile device.


  1. The different types of cookies we use

We may use the following different types of cookies:

  • Google DoubleClick Cookies

These cookies are used to manage and optimize our marketing campaigns on other websites. For more information on the use of these cookies, we refer to Google’s privacy Charter:

  • Google analytics tracking Cookies :

These Cookies assign randomly generated numbers to visitors to the Website as an identifier. The Cookies are included in each page request to any website and are used to calculate the number of visits to a website, the duration of a session and any campaign data for the sites’ analytics reports. They are set to expire 2 years after a visit to the Website.


  1. Our use of cookies

The data collected from the cookies will be used in line with our Privacy Charter, available at

In the first place, all personal data collected via cookies will be used to improve your browsing experience and our Website. Such personal data are also used to study purchasing behavior and preferences in the context of our general market research.

Certain cookies will only retain and use data for the duration of your visit to the Website. Data collected by tracking cookies will be used as long as you visit the website and will be kept for a maximum period of 2 years after your last active consultation of the Website, after which this data will be deleted.

The following cookies are placed by Fixxer:


In order to ensure access to, rectification of, and the ability to withdraw consent at any time concerning your personal data you can always manage the use of cookies through your personal web browser’s settings. The web browser can be configured to either block all, accept/block some or accept all cookies.

To make optimal use of the Website, it is advisable that you enable and/or accept cookies on your computer or mobile device. When cookies are disabled, Fixxer is unable to guarantee a trouble-free visit to the Website. There is a risk that the visit will be interrupted or delayed and that you will not have access to certain parts of the Website or will not be able to make (optimal) use of the Website.

Nevertheless, you are free to remove or block cookies via your browser settings and/or a priori through the cookie banner. Although most browsers are set to accept cookies by default, you can remove cookies that have already been placed and change your browser settings to restrict the placement of new cookies or block cookies.

Should you choose to erase or block certain cookies, you will probably experience difficulties operating the Website. Blocking cookies impacts the ease and functionality of web browsing.

Every web browser has its own configuration. For the most part, however, you can consult the “Preferences” or “Settings” menu in the top right hand corner to modify cookies options or go to “help”. For further information see the following links here below:

  • Google Chrome

  • Internet Explorer:

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Safari

For more details on cookies and how to change your browser settings, see:


  1. Miscellaneous

If any of the provisions of this Cookie Charter would be wholly or partially annulled by a binding decision, this shall have no effect whatsoever on the other provisions of this Cookie Charter. Fixxer is entitled to modify or replace such a provision by another provision which, within legal limits, has the same effect.

The failure of Fixxer to demand strict compliance with the provisions of this Cookie Charter shall not be construed as a waiver or rejection thereof.


  1. Applicable law

Any dispute or claim relating to this Cookie Charter and the use of cookies shall be governed by Belgian law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district where Fixxer’s registered office is located (Belgium).


  1. Contact 

If you have any questions or comments regarding the use of cookies after reading this Cookie Charter, please contact the Data Protection Officer via email at [email protected].

Please send requests for additional general information concerning cookies and the protection of personal data to the Belgian Data Protection Authority to the address, 25 Drukpersstraat, B-1000 Brussels telephone number: +32 2 274 48 00 or via email at [email protected] (